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Marathon des sables

De euforie na de Marathon Des Sables

Misson accomplished!

  • 6 - 15 April 2018
  • 237 km
  • Desert of Morocco

Dust and sand. Rocks and pebbles.
Gorges and mountains. Infinite desert.
Heat. Extreme heat. Hot. Thirst. Salt pills.
Bivouac. Walking. Crawling. Climbing..
Sandstorm at night. Sleeping bag full of sand.
Laughing. Crying. Chaos. Cooking your own food in the evening. No fancy hotel, nice bed or shower after the effort. No banana at the checkpoints. Own food in the backpack. Heavy. Sleeping mat broken. Sleeping on the ground. Little sleep. Tired... Tired.

The double marathon. The inevitable exhaustion.
The beautiful starry sky.
The pain. The euphoria. The satisfaction.

And 100 more emotions and feelings after 237 km of plowing through the desert. After barely 6 months of training and as one of the youngest Belgians ever to participate in this race I make it to the finish line. I take peace with a 248th place on 1050+ participants in the final ranking!